Jenna Waters is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist
I’m a functional dietitian and mom to 4 babes. In my previous life, I fueled pro athletes--- then I became one.
In my pre-baby (P.B) days I fueled the lives of pro athletes–using food to help them perform, recover, sleep, and feel better. Then I discovered that when you become a mom, you basically become a pro athlete (minus the pay). There is hardly a difference between the physical, mental, and emotional demands, the crazy schedule… ALL with the need to fire on all cylinders at all times.
I realized that I need to use food to thrive just as much as the pros did.
I need all that energy, immunity, recovery…all that anti-aging and thriving this life has to offer.
Plus, food was a major way I could serve my people at the SAME time (#efficiency). But, I need this with a heavy dose of simplicity. I also need homemade chocolate chip cookies to still be an option.
As a wife & mama, my goal is to nurture my loves through wholesome food…but not at the expense of other things…
…Not at the expense of my precious time with them
…Not at the expense of delicious foods and family traditions
…Not at the expense of a blown budget
…Not at the expense of my SANITY!
Honestly, the solution is nothing magical. It’s about putting simple, clear, solutions in place to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for our families.
My hope is to give you more than just ideas and recipes, but to provide you with a system + practical information that works for your family….
YOUR health goals, YOUR schedule, YOUR budget, YOUR own tastebuds and preferences and traditions.
We will lay it alllll out on the table. This space will be heavy on the healthy food for real life, and lighter on the perfectly styled acai bowls.
I’m so glad you’re here!