Lets talk food! There are generally several places you can purchase these items, both online and local. My goal is to link the least expensive online version.
Snack foods
Bars: Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars, Primal Kitchen Collagen Protein Bars
Pancake/Waffle Mix: Lankanto Pancake/Waffle Mix or Birch Benders Pancake/Waffle mix
Meat + Fish
Find it Local
You can search for local sources with Local Harvest or Eat Wild
US Wellness Meats Chicken, ground pork, bacon
Tropical Traditions – Chicken, eggs, lamb, ground beef
Herbs & Spices
Coffee: Since coffee beans are one of the highest pesticide-treated crops, it is very important to get an organic source if possible. Since we still wanted to balance the convenience of using our keurig machine, we love the quality and potency of this coffee.
MCT Oil powder: aka Medium Chain Triglycerides– are a natural substance found primarily in coconuts that produce quick energy. The powdered form also gives coffee or teas a delightful little froth on top, which is why I prefer it over liquid MCT oil. I enjoy blending powdered MCT oil in my morning coffee to give it more of a ‘latte’ consistency with a energy-boosting PUNCH!
Exogenous Ketones: Ketones in supplement form (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) help increase blood ketones and often help push you into ketosis. It is an incredible sustainable fuel source that offers mental clarity and energy while not raising blood sugars (and keeps you in a fasted state). We have started using it in our morning coffee which really helps us maximize the window of intermittent fasting.
Preworkout formula: As we have transitioned our diets to more low-carb, grain-free, Brandon noticed some changes in energy during workouts. To help maximize his workouts, we tried some pre-workout formulas, but most of them contain nasty fillers and unwanted ingredients. This one is a really clean formula that has helped him have high energy throughout workouts.
Magnesium Powder: Magnesium is an incredibly important nutrient that plays a role in basically every function of the body, and is used regularly to help with anxiety and sleep. Since it is very depleted in our soil, we don’t get as much as we used to through foods we consume. In addition to doing frequent magnesium-salt baths, we supplement with magnesium citrate powder, and use the lower-dose kids version to mix in daily drinks or smoothies. I also use this in my ‘clean gatorade’ recipe.